GO Quito Hotel
Go Quito Hotel brand

A home where we responsibly coexist with technology

Reservas UIO
December 21, 2021

At Go Quito Hotel, we know that everything is constantly changing and evolving; we understand that technology evolves at an astonishing speed: it changes, develops, and improves. And we know that with each step it takes, our way of experiencing the world also changes. Who could go on a trip now without our smartphones to capture the most precious moments? Who could be far from home without the technology that allows us to communicate with and embrace those far away? The proper use of technology can enhance our experience of discovery, travel, and learning.

That’s why for us, creating a “technological” space doesn’t just mean implementing modern, advanced, market-leading tools and instruments; it means, above all, committing to a responsible use of technology, a conscious service that makes it an integral and functional element of our Hotel, allowing us to strengthen the promise of comfort, safety, and magic that comes with life in the Andes mountain range. We want technology to be a part of Go Quito, just like memory, history, culture, plants, terraces, and gastronomy are all combined to create this unique experience we call Go Quito Hotel.

Many hotels claim to be constantly renovating and modernizing the technology in their infrastructure and spaces. Still, it’s much more vital for us to highlight how technology adapts to our way of thinking and the service we offer.

We can talk, for example, about how technology helps us create an unparalleled experience in our rooms. Naturally, GO Quito Hotel features smart home automation in all our suites and lofts. Using the card for each room, our guests can activate automation to quickly and efficiently create the intimate and personalized atmosphere they desire, suited to their mood or preferences. Opening the blinds partially or entirely, illuminating only a section of the room or turning on all the lights, activating the smart glass in the shower, regulating the air temperature, or even activating a “relax mode” with their favorite music are just some of the many options available. The only limit is creativity! But all these technological implementations wouldn’t hold the same value if they weren’t combined with the essence of Go Quito Hotel, the natural beauty that characterizes it, and the space we have created. The automatic blinds open towards the Andes, providing the most spectacular view of Quito; the relaxing environments that technology can create wouldn’t have the same value if our suites didn’t enjoy a privileged location and the natural light of the mountains.

Everything in Go Quito is designed this way: technology is a tool that allows us to enhance the experience of inhabiting our city and being part of this peculiar universe. Technology plays a fundamental role in our spaces dedicated to work or social gatherings: our meeting rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art audio and video equipment, perfect for meetings and conferences or to make your events and gatherings genuinely unforgettable. The technological implementations at Go Quito are part of an ecosystem designed for our visitors’ well-being, full enjoyment, and productivity; technology complements our service staff perfectly and enhances the experience of satisfaction and comfort that characterize our environments.

Always thinking about providing a sense of true comfort and control, we have implemented technology to speed up and inject efficiency into processes that are usually exhausting and hinder the full enjoyment of your relaxation time; for example, check-ins or requests for special services in the rooms. Thanks to our technology, you can check in quickly and efficiently through our registration system in the hotel lobby. Furthermore, with our high-speed WiFi distributed throughout the Hotel, you can always stay connected with whomever you wish and with our service staff, enjoying all the benefits that stable and secure internet offers daily.

But technology at Go Quito also performs a less visible task: it is part of the backbone and complex processes that sustain our Hotel. We rely on technology — and that’s why we are constantly updating it — to support us in achieving our objectives: to be a sustainable and eco-friendly space. Technological advances allow us to implement intelligent heating systems and automated water heaters and save energy and heat through the energy management systems that technology enables us to create.

We want to emphasize that; besides being a fundamental element in constructing personalized, comfortable, and safe environments, technology is also a key pillar —often overlooked— that works tirelessly to keep our Hotel running and maintaining its identity. From smart lights to distinguishing details, technology is part of the integral experience of relaxing, traveling, working, discovering, and living in Go Quito.

We believe that talking about “modernity” and technology means understanding that we must be capable of using the tools at our disposal and combining them with our way of life and our ideals: putting technology at the service not only of our comfort but also of our commitment to creating environments, ecosystems, and spaces where everything works smoothly, quickly, and efficiently.

In our Hotel, technology will allow you to experience Quito without worries, with the assurance that there is a system designed to provide you with security, comfort, smooth connectivity, and the possibility to control how you want to experience our city. At Go Quito Hotel, technology is part of the unforgettable experience and helps us create the spaces you deserve.

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