GO Quito Hotel
Go Quito Hotel brand

Guangüiltagua Metropolitan Park. Just 1 km from Go Quito Hotel.

Guangüiltagua Metropolitan Park. Just 1 km from Go Quito Hotel.
Reservas UIO
diciembre 14, 2023

Every city needs forests, parks and green spaces to breathe. The Guangüiltagua Metropolitan Park is considered the lung of Quito, with extensive roads and trails, eucalyptus forests and other endemic trees, and spaces to practice sports or rest. The Metropolitan Park offers areas for picnics or barbecues, with covered grills, tables and chairs; Signposted trails and children’s play areas. The many paths that cross this park allow its visitors to have close contact with nature, experiencing a true and deep break from the hectic life of the city.
The Qhapac Ñan, or “Inca Trail”, passes through the Metropolitan Park, a path that connected the North and South of the Inca empire and which has been declared cultural heritage of the Andean Region. Can you imagine walking on it, on the same land that Quito’s ancestors walked on centuries ago?

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