GO Quito Hotel
Go Quito Hotel brand

A hotel from Quito, and for Quito.

Reservas UIO
December 21, 2021

The day begins in Quito with the light of the mountains, the aromas, and the murmur of a world that thrives in the Andean range. We invite you to discover what it means to inhabit our city through the experience of GO Quito Hotel; we invite you to explore a part of who we are.

GO Quito Hotel was conceived and created as a space of comfort, safety, and quality where the experience of living in Quito is enhanced and shared. It is a place where everyone can feel the wonder of living in a city in the Middle of the World, in the Andean mountains – a city of legends, cultural mixtures, traditions, gastronomy, hardworking people, overwhelming scents and flavors, clouds, mountains, unique landscapes, and fascinating corners filled with extraordinary individuals.

Visiting our hotel means living the day-to-day life of Quito. You can sense the charm of waking up in a city among the clouds in our rooms. The Belgian poet Henry Michaux said during his visit to the capital of Ecuador in 1927: “The clouds are no higher than we are.” As Quiteños, we understand the meaning of these words, and we want all our visitors to experience it. Therefore, we carefully considered the architectural design, the orientation of light, and the size of the rooms and lounges, ensuring everyone feels part of life in the Andes within GO Quito Hotel. Our expansive windows open up to the Pichincha volcano and the texture of its clouds, so close and unique in the world.

But we also know that living in our city is not only about residing among mountains and clouds – although that is undoubtedly astonishing – but also about embracing the dazzling traditions and details that define us as Quiteños. One of them is our cuisine. Perhaps you won’t find a dish with a more poetic and magical name than the “empanadas de viento” (wind empanadas), one of Quito’s most iconic snacks. We love those afternoons when we can climb up to El Panecillo, one of the most impressive viewpoints in the city, and witness the sunset while the scent of “empanadas de viento” fills the beginning of the night. And all of this is so close to GO Quito Hotel!

Because we respect and love Ecuador’s gastronomic tradition, we have put much effort into creating a menu that characterizes and defines us. It offers diverse and healthy options for all our guests, striking the perfect balance between the flavors of modern international cuisine and the taste of the millennia-old ingredients from the Andes. The flagship dishes of our restaurant – open to travelers and locals alike – reflect the Andean syncretism and the love for culinary art. They are made with local ingredients, some of which we harvest from our garden. This explosion of flavors and the breathtaking views from our restaurants, bars, and cafeterias make our gastronomy a memorable experience.

Yes, as you read, we have a garden. We envisioned our terraces as green spaces that add color and nature and become active and productive spaces within our hotel. When we began this project, we were sure that GO Quito Hotel had to blend with our city organically, combining the best of urban space, technology, and comfort with the presence and importance of nature, markets, and agricultural land. This approach is part of an eco-friendly vision and our commitment to contribute to the conservation and development of Ecuador’s natural sanctuaries.

As Quiteños, we know that green spaces, parks, and trails where we can breathe in nature are essential to our city. We wanted our infrastructure to reflect this; hence, we put great care and spirit into developing our gardens and terraces. Our garden designer at GO Quito Hotel devoted much effort to studying native plants and flowers that could coexist and form an ecosystem designed primarily to attract hummingbirds and endemic birds from the Andes. Don’t be surprised if the flutter and song of a “Quinde herrero,” one of the most characteristic hummingbird species in the city, surprises you as you stroll through our gardens or relax on your room balcony. We are one of the few high-end hotels that can guarantee an actual communion with the nature of the Andes.

However, we understand that creating harmonious and eco-friendly environments within the city is not enough; we know that a hotel in the heart of Ecuador’s capital must also meet other needs and be a space that helps us achieve our daily goals and professional objectives. For this reason, we designed GO Quito Hotel as a space intended for work, unleashing creativity and nurturing ideas’ growth. We understand the importance of having suitable areas for corporate meetings, business, or work. We know that these environments must be perfectly equipped and should not compromise on aesthetics. It is essential to create optimal ecosystems to enhance productivity and contribute to personal development, spaces combining cutting-edge technology with our mountains’ natural and ancient beauty. These attributes make us unique.

We have built spaces perfectly equipped with state-of-the-art technology and environments that motivate your mind and body to work and explore new ideas. Can you imagine working or creating surrounded by the Andean clouds and the light of the mountains? We understand the importance of having a well-lit, cozy environment with all the technological amenities and the best service staff ready to respond to the requests of our visitors.

Quito is also a place of encounters, celebrations, and warm embraces. That’s why our hotel was designed to be a refuge where you can host your meetings, events, and celebrations with the assistance of our expertise and the unforgettable company of Pichincha, the guardian of our time. We know that every detail matters and that a successful meeting is made with the most delicious dishes and impactful flavors. We understand that a celebration should take place in the warmth of the familiar and the discovery of new encounters, and that spaces, scents, ambiance, music, and details all matter to create an indelible memory. At GO Quito Hotel, we devised a guarantee that you will find all this in any of your events and gatherings.

We did not want to overlook that living in Quito also means carrying with us an infinity of legends, myths, and symbols. GO Quito Hotel was conceived as part of a complex and fascinating history, a place that elevates Ecuador’s rich tradition and proudly showcases unique details of our country. From the central design that pays homage to the Pichincha volcano in our lobby to the decorative motifs on our walls and furniture that remember and honor the traditional textiles of the indigenous nations of the Ecuadorian Sierra, GO Quito Hotel is filled with extensive and magical symbolism that we invite you to discover and appreciate.

Ecuador is one of the few countries in the world where you can experience four climatic zones in a single day: feeling the heat of the beach, the humidity of tropical forests, the abundance of the Amazon, and the wind of the highlands – all within twenty-four hours. And Quito is the central point from which you can easily travel across Ecuador; its proximity to the Coastal and Amazon regions makes it a strategic place for travel and learning. We wanted our hotel to combine the beauty of Ecuadorian regions in its design and finishes. Our lobbies, spaces, and lounges are built and decorated with colors, motifs, patterns, and shapes that recall the diverse regions of Ecuador. We wanted walking through our corridors to be like taking a journey, where every step awakens curiosity and interest in the diversity of our country.

GO Quito Hotel is also a central point in the city’s geography; it is located in one of the capital’s most important, well-equipped, and developed commercial neighborhoods. This makes our hotel the ideal place to explore the city, learn about its culture and life, work, connect, and foster creativity. Living in Quito means walking its streets, exercising ideas, learning from its people, and enjoying its riches; we wanted all this to be part of the experience of visiting GO Quito Hotel.

Within short walks from our hotel, guests can find everything they need to enjoy the city and feel safe. And we’re not just talking about shopping centers, cafes, or restaurants, but also cultural centers, museums, and traditional neighborhoods worth exploring. Even important embassies, consulate, and governmental office areas are within easy reach. You don’t need to venture far from GO Quito Hotel to appreciate the city’s cultural life or discover how the Quiteños live. So many essential and invaluable experiences are waiting for you just minutes away by car from our hotel!

If we had to choose one nearby place, it would be Quito’s Historic Center. It should come as no surprise that the Historical Center has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its streets carry the time and memories of a people filled with traditions, food, myths, legends, art, and beauty. The churches are the ancient inhabitants of the Center, safeguarding the city’s profound history in their hearts. The squares, the people, and the food immerse us in the spirit of Quito, baroque and unique in the world. We are proud to say that from GO Quito Hotel you can intimately approach, live, and converse with Quito’s vast history.

There are many attractions, tourist spots, and essential sites surrounding us. You can find information on our website if you want to learn more about some of them.

But we must say this: you don’t need to leave GO Quito Hotel to enjoy an unforgettable experience in the city. We have built, planned, and designed our hotel to reflect the best aspects of our capital, a space where you can find the best of Quito with our personal touch. You won’t lack attractions and pastimes within our facilities; you don’t need to search for gyms, pools, cafés, or restaurants because GO Quito Hotel has all these spaces and more, carefully designed and meant to offer a memorable experience every day.

We have tried to capture what GO Quito Hotel means to us, but we can’t write down many experiences, stories, and anecdotes and prefer to show and share. We are not just a space for rest or shelter, nor are we just a hotel in the city. We are a way of understanding life, a profound commitment to contributing to Ecuador with high-quality hotel services that don’t forget our roots and traditions. GO Quito Hotel is a commitment to leave a mark on Ecuador, not only in the hospitality sector but also in its economy and history.

It’s not luxury that sets us apart and makes us unique. Yes, GO Quito Hotel meets the most demanding international standards, offering all the comforts and facilities that large hotel chains should provide. But what makes us unique is that we understand our environment, inhabit it, and turn life in Quito, in the mountains, in our complex and unique city, into an integral experience that we offer our visitors.

GO Quito Hotel is a family project created by Quiteños and a huge team of workers who have contributed to making every corner and service pay homage to our country. That’s what sets us apart: we understand what it means to live in Quito, we comprehend its needs, and we know its beauty. Our love for Ecuador and our capital, combined with over 40 years of experience in the hotel industry, allowed us to create GO Quito Hotel with a clear vision: to build the perfect space to enhance our culture and city and to create an environment that will enable us to do what we love: sharing, caring, and offering our visitors unforgettable experiences.



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